
Skylight Leaks When It Rains? Causes and Solutions for Sealing!

Skylight Leaks When It Rains? Causes and Solutions for Sealing!

Skylight leaks when it rains can be a homeowner’s nightmare. In this article, we explore why these leaks occur and provide practical solutions to ensure your skylight remains watertight and reliable, even during the heaviest downpours.

Why Skylights on Metal Roofs Can Cause Insecurity?

One of the biggest fears of skylights installed with metal roofing sheets or using them standalone outdoors is the feeling of insecurity whenever the wind is high and the night long in the dark and wet.

This feeling of insecurity is often linked to skylight leaks when it rains, as the skylight material, typically made of plastic, tends to expands and contracts, especially in areas with wide temperature ranges. This, combined with the potential issues when adjoining different materials, adds to the complexity of installation and maintenance, further contributing to the worry of leaks and other issues.

Common Causes of Skylight Leaks When It Rains

1. Poor or Improper Installation:

Poor installation is the number one culprit when it comes to leakage. Improper installation ,such as using the wrong fasteners or failing to secure the roofing material properly, is a recipe for disaster. Using high-quality fasteners like Poly-Fast Self-Drilling screws can significantly reduce the risk of leaks by ensuring a secure and watertight connection between the skylight and the metal roof.

2. Damaged Frames or Flashings:

Frames and flashings can either be damaged, corroded or improperly installed, which often lead to skylight leaks when it rains. These issues create cracks that allow water to seep through, resulting in potential water damage and compromised structural integrity.

3. Worn or Cracked Seals or Sealants:

Although outdoor seals and sealants are designed to withstand the elements and last for a long time, they are still considered consumables. They gradually degrade and crack over time, leading to leaks.

4. Condensation:

Depending on weather conditions, condensation can build up and drip, and sometimes considered as leaks.

5. Damaged Roofing and Its Surroundings:

Damaged roofs and its surrounding areas can sometimes direct water to skylights, leading to skylight leaks when it rains.

6. Clogged Gutters or Weep Holes:

Gutters and weep holes are designed as water drainage and strategically placed to lead water away from the skylights, and if clogged, could result in water backing towards the skylights.

Solutions and Remedies for Preventing Skylight Leaks

  1. Proper installation is key to a successful and long-lasting Skylight project. Follow manufacturer’s instructions, use proper tools, and most important of all, do not take any shortcuts. Better safe than sorry and prepare for a rainy day pretty much explains it all.
  2. Fix any damages to frames or flashings at the first sign of distress, replace if necessary; better not be penny-wise and pound foolish.
  3. Reapply sealant and replace seals regularly or at the first sign of leakage. Remove any old sealant or seals and clean the surface before reapplying.
  4. Improve insulation and circulation by adding ventilation holes, or by adding insulation to prevent condensation.
  5. Inspect the roof and its surroundings regularly for any damages and fix any issues that may direct water toward the skylight.
  6. Weep holes and gutters should be regularly inspected and cleaned, especially in high wind or forest areas, since leaves and debris clog holes easily.
  7. Replace broken skylights could be the best solution as it often fixes the root cause of leakage, it is also an opportunity to check out new models and technologies.


Although there are lots of remedies for skylight leaks when it rains, it is still best to take preventive measures every step of the way; such as, choosing the correct tools and accessories prior to, following instructions during, and performing regular maintenance after installation. To ensure a leak-free skylight, consider using high-quality

fasteners from BDN Fastener. Take action now to protect your skylights from leaks and enjoy peace of mind during any weather.

Learn more about BDN Fasteners >>
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